Monday, May 16, 2011

Golf for Beginners: Golf Tips for Women

Golf for Beginners: Golf Tips for Women Tube. Duration : 1.50 Mins.

missing women golfers in the distance, make up for the technique and solid fundamentals. Learn a few golf tips for women from a professional golf instructor in this free golf video. Expert: Dustin Daniels Contact: Bio: Mark Siebel has DOGGIE STEPS Dog Agility Training and teaches the fundamentals and dog tricks. Filmmaker: Dustin Daniels

Tags: golf, golfing, golf lessons, golf clubs, green, swing, swinging, hitting, chipping, pitching, pin, hole

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1 comment:

Keelytm said...

This was awesome, and just what I was looking for! I've also found some other great golf tips for women. I definitely need all the help I can get. What are some more great tips?

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